November 4, 2021
QUICK SHOT! Barleycorn’s Two Minute Guide To What’s New In Spirits
From Aukland to Speyside and beyond, innovation is on display as Barleycorn explores the world’s first black gin, an Islay single malt influenced tequila, and…
November 3, 2021
BREAKING NEWS! Barleycorn Society Member Fred Minnick Appears Today Show
Barleycorn Society member Fred Minnick recently made an appearance on the Today Show,
November 2, 2021
Spirits We Love! Six ‘Bourbontastic’ Whiskeys To Drink Right Now
From Kentucky born classics to exciting new craft offerings, there is no shortage of double gold level bourbons worth exploring. Here are some favorites from…
October 26, 2021
Make This Drink! The Waldorf Astoria Cosmopolitan
This classic 1980s NYC survivor was still going strong when we reopened Peacock Alley in 2005.
October 25, 2021
READ THIS BOOK! Inside The Japanese Art Of The Cocktail
Japanese cocktails are widely considered among the world’s finest, but until now, even seasoned mixologists haven’t a clue about what makes these seemingly…
October 22, 2021
DISTILLERY TOUR! How Westland Distilling Found Its Seattle Single Malt Style
There’s no question Scotland produces much of the world’s finest whisky stocks. For this reason, there’s little incentive for the industry to evolve; it can…
October 12, 2021
Meet Larry Forrest: The Legend Of Ghost Hollow
Sure whiskey is delicious. But drinking great whiskey for a worthy cause tastes even sweeter. Just ask Larry Forrest of Ghost Hollow.
October 7, 2021
SPIRITS WE LOVE: Six Sexy Must Try Vodkas For Fall
Despite what they say, no two vodkas are created equal.
September 29, 2021
QUICK SHOT! Barleycorn’s Two Minute Guide To What’s New In Spirits
This week alone, we’ve got a sleek new tequila, a rustic pair of mezcals, and perhaps the prettiest gin we’ve ever seen. Meanwhile, Elvis fans will be lining…
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Words From Our Contributors
Check out Barleycorn Contributor and author of The Waldorf Astoria Bar Book, Frank Caiafa’s review of Vermont’s honey-laden Barr Hill Gins from Caledonia Spirits, then serves up a few perfect cocktails with which to enjoy.
Is Imitation the sincerest form of flattery? When it comes to lifting a writer’s work and claiming it for your own, chances are they’ll feel more litigious than flattered. It happened to Barleycorn judge and contributor Tony Sachs, who discusses being thieved by a French website, and what he did about it.
In The Daily Beast, Barleycorn’s Wayne Curtis’ focuses on Cooper Spirits’ resurgence, purveyors of Hochstadlers Slow & Low Rock-and-Rye, after founder Rob Cooper’s passing in 2016.
This week Amanda Schuster de-mystifies the seemingly complicated sherry category by exploring Lustau’s incredible portfolio at